The Ivory Tower

The unrestricted view stretches far off into the distance. Hills and valleys appear as small undulations in this tranquil landscape. Dense forests and boggy swamps add their distinctive colour to this rich tapestry. For most of us, the view here on the ground is obscured by mountains and forests.

Welcome to The Ivory Tower

Location: Port Erin, Isle Of Man, United Kingdom

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Corporate Policy

With the rearranged structure of our mature company, often, non-technical people, having been given the task of standardisation, publish technical policy.

This standardisation is primarily aimed at maintenance and operational issues in an attempt to reduce costs and simplify problem solving.

No solution can provide a 100% fit. There are always areas whose needs differ slightly from the norm and there is a distinct possibility that with technology advancing at such an incredible pace, that the policy is out of date before the ink is even dry.

Where policy is with regards to operating practices, this is generally an attempt at streamlining, making processes either more efficient or reducing the overhead required. For each department, the corporate policy will have some relevance, but this does not mean that it will cover all aspects of the working environment.

There are always exceptions to every rule, no matter how simple that rule is, but when it comes to corporate policy it can often be applied too rigidly. For the Political Animal, there is rarely any thought of questioning this policy as this would lead to confrontation.

When corporate policy inhibits people from carrying out the daily tasks, shouldn't that part of the policy be removed or at least reviewed?

This unfortunately would lead to confrontation and for the Political Animal, who is still exhibiting patience with his manacles, would not be prudent.


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